6 System Safety Tips You May Be Overlooking | Gubbels HVAC

6 System Safety Tips You May Be Overlooking

As the crisp fall air rolls in and we start preparing our homes for the cooler months, many homeowners focus on comfort – but what about safety?

While it’s easy to remember the basics, several crucial heating and cooling system safety tips are often overlooked during the fall. Here are some tips you might be missing!

1. Check for Carbon Monoxide Leaks

As you rely more on your furnace, it’s crucial to check for carbon monoxide (CO) leaks. CO is a sneaky, odorless, colorless, and potentially lethal gas. Many homeowners don’t realize that malfunctioning heating systems are one of the primary sources of CO in homes. Before the cold takes over, make sure your CO detectors are in tip-top shape, with fresh batteries and proper placement.

2. Replace Your Air Filter Before Fall Hits

Fall is all about new beginnings, and this includes air filters. You’d be surprised how quickly dust, pet dander, and other particles clog up your system, especially after running the AC all summer. A clogged air filter doesn’t just reduce efficiency; it can also cause your system to overheat. So, before the leaves start piling up outside, make sure you’ve got a clean filter inside.

3. Clean Around Your Furnace and Vents

The area around your furnace often becomes a storage zone for all sorts of things. But here’s the thing: clutter around your furnace can be a serious fire hazard. It needs space to breathe, just like the rest of us! Make sure the area around your furnace is free from any flammable materials, and while you’re at it, check your vents too.

4. Schedule a Professional Tune-Up

Regular maintenance isn’t just about making sure your system runs efficiently; it’s also about safety. During a tune-up, a licensed HVAC technician will inspect your system for any potential hazards, like electrical issues, gas leaks, or worn-out parts that could cause trouble. An early check-up will give you peace of mind, knowing that your system is prepped and ready for whatever winter throws at it.

5. Monitor for Unusual Smells

It’s normal to notice a slight burning smell when you first turn on your heating system in the fall. However, if the smell lingers or seems off, don’t ignore it! Strange odors could signal something more serious, like electrical problems or gas leaks. The key is to trust your nose: if something smells odd, it’s worth a closer look.

6. Be Careful with Your Fall Decorations

Setting up your fall decorations makes it easy to get caught up in the fun and forget about safety. Keep in mind that placing decorations like pumpkins, hay bales, or seasonal inflatables too close to your outdoor unit can obstruct airflow and create a fire hazard. Make sure to keep the area around your unit clear so your system can operate safely without interference.

Home Comfort Experts in Waterloo, Cedar Falls, and Surrounding Areas

A little preparation can go a long way in keeping your home safe and comfortable during the crisp fall months. If you’re unsure about the condition of your system or want to make sure everything is running safely and efficiently, Gubbels Heating and Air Conditioning has you covered. Our expert technicians are here to help with solutions to keep your family comfortable all season long. Give us a call today at (319) 208-6433 to schedule your appointment.

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